
Andrea Gómez Vargas



software applications

Updated the 2024-05-28.
CV made in R with pagedown


Andrea Gómez Vargas

BA in Sociology & MA student in Generating and Analyzing Statistical Data.


Population Statistics Analyst, National Institute of Statistics and Censuses - Argentina

Role at the Directorate of Sectoral Statistics (DES) of the National Directorate of Social and Population Statistics.

Worked on data pipelines developed in R. Analyzed and processed databases using R and SQL from various data sources (census, surveys, and administrative records). Design, development and delivery of data-based digital statistical products. Preparation and calculation of socio-demographic indicators at national level.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

2021 to date


General Direction of Women’s Labor Insertion, Government of the City of Buenos Aires.

Development of training for the Women & IT Employability Skills Program.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

03/01/2023 – 10/31/2023

Organization of Ibero-American States, Argentina National Office.

Data Analyst in the Strengthening Program for the Development, Preservation and Promotion of Argentine Culture.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

10/01/2022 – 01/31/2023

Argentine Chamber of Books

Processing, analysis and presentation of data for the basic report on Argentine book production.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

08/01/2022 – 09/30/2022

CEIS Consulting

Analyst in quantitative research projects on the labor market. Information gathering and data processing in R.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

05/01/2021 – 06/30/2021

Teaching experience

Guillermo Brown National University, Professor part-time dedication

Subject: Information Visualization - Bachelor’s Degree in Data Science.

Buenos Aires, Argentina - Online

2023 to date

National University of San Martin, Graduate Professor.

Diploma in Computational Social Sciences and Digital Humanities.

Buenos Aires, Argentina - Online


Argentine Association of Specialists in Labor Studies, Teacher

Introduction to Data Processing with R 2022 & 2023 edition course


2022 - 2023

Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), technical-educational tutor.

Postgraduate Course on Big Data and Territorial Intelligence.


2021 - 2022

University of Buenos Aires, Part-time First Assistant.

Adhonorem teacher in Social Work Career.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

2020 - 2023


National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)

Master’s Degree in Generation and Analysis of Statistical Information

Buenos Aires, Argentina

2023 to date

University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

Degree in Sociology

Buenos Aires, Argentina



The Carpentries instructor certified.

the Software Carpentry instructor program.

Argentina - US



rOpenSci Champions Program 2023 - 2024

Mentoring and training program from Scientific Open Source Champions

Buenos Aires, Argentina - Online

2023 to date

Courses and Training

SQL Training Cycle: Databases with SQL & advanced selections in SQL ORACLE


Buenos Aires, Argentina


Design and construction of indicators & Social Statistics 2.




Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in the analysis of socio-demographic indicators.


Buenos Aires, Argentina


Web Accessibility: Introduction and Guidelines & Techniques and Tools for Improvement.




Social Data Analytics.

Argentine School of New Technologies (EANT)



Congresses, Talks, Presentations

LatinR2023: Latinamerican Conference About the Use of R in I & D SIES Argentina: R & Shiny in the dissemination of official statistics. Andrea Gomez Vargas, María Florencia Bathory, Juan Manuel Damiani, Barbara Estévez Leston, Jimena Fernández Moyano y Leandro Olivo. Open data session and official statistics. 2023.

R-Ladies Buenos Aires Meetup Workshop Introduction to the Analysis of the Permanent Household Survey (EPH) with R. Andrea Gomez Vargas & Betsy Cohen. Faculty of Social Sciences UBA. 2023.

CSV Conference Workshop Software Carpentry: Introduction to Git and GitHub from Rstudio Instructors: Irene Ramos y Andrea Gomez Vargas. 2023.

Seminario (de)Generando la Ciencia Política UBA Sociales Women’s access to the world of technology and big data. Speaker for R-Ladies Buenos Aires, Andrea Gomez Vargas. 2022.

Rladies East Lansing Meetup Accessible DataVis: Learning accessibility in community. Second speaker, Andrea Gomez Vargas (one of the winners of the ‘most accessible presentation’ award at useR! 2021). 2022.

LatinR2021: Latinamerican Conference About the Use of R in R & D Learning to Use R in Latin America: Challanges to Promote Inclusion and Diversity. García Alonso, Virginia A.; Corrales, Paola; Huaylla, Claudia A.; Gómez Vargas, Andrea; Chávez, Joselyn; Fierro Arcos, Denisse. Sesión iniciativas de la Comunidad de R. 2021.

ReinventarTEC 2021 Getting Started with R for Data Analysis. Talleristas: Patricia Loto y Andrea Gómez Vargas. Organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Women of the Province of Córdoba together with the NGO MeT [Women in Technology Córdoba], 2021.

useR! 2021 The R Conference Using R in Latin America: the great, the good, the bad, and the ugly. García Alonso, Virginia A.; Corrales, Paola; Huaylla, Claudia A.; Gómez Vargas, Andrea; Chávez, Joselyn; Fierro Arcos, Denisse. Session 9B - Community and Outreach 2. 2021.